Friday 9 November 2012

Things To Know About Web Hosting Service

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're launching a website for your business or starting a personal blog, one of the most critical decisions you'll need to make is choosing a web hosting service. But with so many options available, navigating the world of web hosting can be overwhelming. In this guide, we'll demystify web hosting and provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision.

What is Web Hosting?

At its core, web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their websites accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosting providers allocate space on servers, which are powerful computers connected to the internet, to store website files and make them accessible to users around the globe.

Types of Web Hosting:

a. Shared Hosting: Ideal for small websites and beginners, shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing resources on the same server. While cost-effective, shared hosting may lead to slower loading times and limited control over server configurations.

b. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting: VPS hosting offers a middle ground between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Users have access to a virtualized server environment, providing greater control and scalability compared to shared hosting.

c. Dedicated Hosting: With dedicated hosting, users have exclusive access to an entire server, offering maximum performance, customization, and security. This option is best suited for large websites with high traffic volumes and resource-intensive applications.

d. Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting utilizes a network of interconnected servers to distribute resources and ensure uptime. This scalable and flexible hosting solution is ideal for websites experiencing fluctuating traffic levels and unpredictable demand.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Web Hosting Service:

a. Performance and Reliability: Look for a hosting provider with a proven track record of uptime and fast loading times to ensure a positive user experience for your website visitors.

b. Security Features: Choose a hosting service that prioritizes security measures such as SSL certificates, regular backups, and robust firewalls to protect your website from cyber threats.

c. Scalability: Consider the scalability options offered by the hosting provider to accommodate your website's growth and changing needs over time.

d. Customer Support: Opt for a hosting provider that offers responsive customer support, available 24/7, to assist you with any technical issues or concerns.

e. Pricing and Value: Compare pricing plans and features across different hosting providers to find the best value for your budget, taking into account factors such as storage space, bandwidth, and additional services.

Additional Services and Features:

Many web hosting providers offer a range of additional services and features to enhance your website's functionality and performance. These may include:

Domain registration and management

Website builders and content management systems (CMS)

Email hosting

E-commerce solutions

Website analytics and optimization tools


Choosing the right web hosting service is a critical decision that can impact the success and performance of your website. By understanding the different types of web hosting, key considerations, and additional features available, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and goals. Whether you're launching a personal blog or running a thriving e-commerce store, a reliable and secure web hosting service is the foundation of your online presence.

What to Look for in a Search Engine Optimization Firm

In today's digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in helping businesses improve their online visibility, attract more organic traffic, and drive conversions. However, navigating the complex world of SEO can be challenging, especially for those who lack the expertise and resources to implement effective strategies. That's where SEO firms come in. These specialized agencies offer professional services to help businesses optimize their websites and achieve better rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). But with so many options available, how do you choose the right SEO firm for your needs? In this guide, we'll explore the key factors to consider when selecting an SEO firm to ensure you make an informed decision.

Expertise and Experience:
One of the first things to look for in an SEO firm is their expertise and experience in the field. Consider factors such as:
Industry experience: Look for an SEO firm that has experience working with businesses in your industry or niche. They'll have a better understanding of your target audience, competition, and industry-specific challenges.
Track record of success: Ask the SEO firm for case studies, testimonials, or references from past clients to gauge their success in achieving tangible results, such as improved search rankings, increased organic traffic, and higher conversion rates.
Knowledge of SEO best practices: Ensure that the SEO firm stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, algorithms updates, and best practices to implement effective strategies that comply with search engine guidelines.
Customized Strategies and Services:
Every business is unique, and one-size-fits-all SEO solutions may not yield optimal results. Look for an SEO firm that offers customized strategies and services tailored to your specific goals, budget, and target audience. Some key considerations include:
Comprehensive SEO audit: A reputable SEO firm will conduct a thorough audit of your website to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This may include technical SEO issues, on-page optimization, content quality, backlink profile, and more.
Strategic planning: Work with the SEO firm to develop a strategic plan outlining short-term and long-term goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and action steps to achieve success.
Transparent reporting and communication: Choose an SEO firm that provides regular reports and updates on the progress of your SEO campaigns, including metrics such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, conversion rates, and ROI. Open communication channels are essential for collaboration and addressing any concerns or questions you may have.
Ethical Practices and Compliance:
Ethical SEO practices are essential for long-term success and sustainability. Avoid SEO firms that engage in black hat techniques or promise quick-fix solutions that violate search engine guidelines and risk penalties. Look for an SEO firm that prioritizes ethical practices, such as:
White hat SEO techniques: Choose an SEO firm that focuses on ethical, sustainable strategies to improve your website's visibility and rankings, such as quality content creation, natural link building, and user-friendly website design.
Compliance with search engine guidelines: Ensure that the SEO firm follows Google's Webmaster Guidelines and other search engine guidelines to avoid penalties and maintain your website's integrity and reputation.
Transparency and accountability: Select an SEO firm that is transparent about their methodologies, processes, and pricing, and is willing to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding their practices.
Continued Support and Optimization:
SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and optimization to adapt to changing algorithms, market trends, and user behaviors. Look for an SEO firm that offers continued support and optimization services, including:
Regular performance monitoring: Choose an SEO firm that monitors your website's performance regularly, identifies areas for improvement, and adjusts strategies accordingly to ensure sustained growth and success.
Proactive recommendations: Work with an SEO firm that proactively identifies new opportunities, emerging trends, and potential threats to your SEO efforts, and provides recommendations for optimization and enhancement.
Flexibility and scalability: Select an SEO firm that can scale their services according to your evolving needs and goals, whether you're launching a new product, expanding into new markets, or facing unexpected challenges.
Choosing the right SEO firm is a critical decision that can significantly impact your online visibility, traffic, and revenue. By considering factors such as expertise and experience, customized strategies, ethical practices, and continued support, you can find an SEO firm that aligns with your goals and helps you achieve sustainable success in the competitive digital landscape. Remember to conduct thorough research, ask the right questions, and prioritize transparency and collaboration to ensure a fruitful partnership with your chosen SEO firm.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Advantages of Flexible Windows Cloud Services

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses require flexible and scalable solutions to meet their evolving needs and stay ahead of the competition. Windows Cloud Services offer a dynamic platform that empowers organizations to harness the full potential of the cloud while leveraging the familiarity and reliability of the Windows operating system. In this guide, we'll delve into the myriad advantages of Windows Cloud Services and how they can drive innovation, efficiency, and growth for businesses of all sizes.

Scalability and Elasticity:
One of the primary advantages of Windows Cloud Services is scalability. Businesses can easily scale their resources up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency. Whether you're experiencing sudden spikes in traffic or planning for long-term growth, Windows Cloud Services provide the flexibility to adapt to changing needs without the hassle of provisioning and managing physical infrastructure.

Windows Cloud Services offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing businesses to pay only for the resources they use. This eliminates the need for large upfront investments in hardware and software licenses, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, the ability to scale resources dynamically helps optimize costs by avoiding over-provisioning and underutilization of resources.

Enhanced Security and Compliance:
Security is a top priority for businesses operating in the digital realm. Windows Cloud Services provide robust security features and compliance certifications to safeguard sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance. With built-in security controls, encryption, and threat detection mechanisms, businesses can mitigate risks and protect their assets in the cloud. Additionally, Windows Cloud Services offer seamless integration with existing security tools and protocols, making it easy to maintain a secure environment.

Accessibility and Collaboration:
Windows Cloud Services enable seamless collaboration and access to data and applications from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. With features such as Microsoft 365 integration, businesses can streamline communication, collaboration, and productivity across teams, regardless of their location or device preferences. This fosters a more agile and connected workforce, driving innovation and efficiency within the organization.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:
In today's digital landscape, downtime can have significant consequences for businesses, leading to lost revenue, damaged reputation, and decreased productivity. Windows Cloud Services offer built-in disaster recovery and business continuity features to minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted operations. With automated backups, failover capabilities, and geo-redundant data centers, businesses can mitigate the impact of unforeseen events and maintain continuity in the face of adversity.

Innovation and Agility:
Windows Cloud Services provide a platform for innovation and agility, enabling businesses to experiment, iterate, and innovate at a rapid pace. With access to a wide range of cloud-native services, development tools, and frameworks, businesses can accelerate their digital transformation initiatives and bring new products and services to market faster. Additionally, the flexibility of the cloud allows businesses to adapt to changing market dynamics and seize new opportunities as they arise.

Windows Cloud Services offer a wealth of advantages that empower businesses to thrive in today's digital economy. From scalability and cost-effectiveness to enhanced security and collaboration, Windows Cloud Services provide a robust platform for driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. By leveraging the power of the cloud and the familiarity of the Windows operating system, businesses can unlock new possibilities and stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly dynamic and interconnected world.

4 Tips For Searching On Google

Hey there, fellow internet explorer! Let's talk about something we all do every day: searching on Google. It seems simple, right? Just type in some words and hit enter. But did you know there are tips and tricks that can help you find exactly what you're looking for faster and more efficiently? That's right! So, grab your virtual magnifying glass, because we're about to dive into the wonderful world of Google search.

Use Specific Keywords:
Ever typed in a vague search query and ended up with millions of results that have nothing to do with what you're looking for? Yeah, we've all been there. To narrow down your search results, try using specific keywords that accurately describe what you're looking for. For example, instead of searching for "best restaurants," try something like "best Italian restaurants in New York City." This way, Google knows exactly what you're after and can deliver more relevant results.

Utilize Advanced Search Operators:
Google may seem like a mind-reader sometimes, but it's not perfect. That's where advanced search operators come in handy. These nifty little commands allow you to fine-tune your search queries and get more precise results. For example, you can use quotation marks ("") to search for an exact phrase, use the minus sign (-) to exclude certain words from your search, or use the site operator (site:) to search within a specific website. Trust us, once you start using these operators, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them!

Filter Your Results:
Ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of search results Google spits out? Yeah, us too. Luckily, Google offers several handy filters that can help you narrow down your results and find exactly what you're looking for. After conducting your search, look for the "Tools" button underneath the search bar. From there, you can filter your results by things like date, location, and file type. So, whether you're looking for the latest news articles or a specific type of file, Google's got you covered.

Explore Related Searches:
Sometimes, finding what you're looking for is like navigating a maze. You take one wrong turn, and suddenly you're lost in a sea of irrelevant search results. But fear not, because Google's got a trick up its sleeve: related searches. These handy suggestions appear at the bottom of the search results page and can help you discover new keywords or refine your search query. So, if you're struggling to find what you need, don't be afraid to explore these related searches and see where they take you.

And there you have it, folks! With these four tips in your arsenal, you'll be a Google search ninja in no time. So, the next time you find yourself lost in the vast expanse of the internet, remember to use specific keywords, utilize advanced search operators, filter your results, and explore related searches. Happy searching!

Linking Social Media and SEO: Developing a Synergistic Relationship for Link Building

In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the synergy between social media and search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly apparent. While these two disciplines may seem distinct, they share a common goal: to increase visibility and drive traffic to your website. By integrating social media and SEO strategies, businesses can unlock new opportunities for link building and amplify their online presence in meaningful ways.

Social Media: The Gateway to Engagement
Social media platforms serve as digital hubs where users gather to connect, share content, and engage with brands. With billions of active users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest offer unparalleled opportunities for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. By sharing compelling content, fostering genuine interactions, and building a loyal following, businesses can establish a strong presence on social media and cultivate a community of loyal supporters.

However, the benefits of social media extend beyond mere engagement. Social signals, such as likes, shares, comments, and mentions, play a crucial role in SEO. Search engines like Google consider social signals as indicators of a website's credibility, authority, and relevance. Websites with a strong social media presence are more likely to earn backlinks from authoritative sources, which can positively impact their search engine rankings.

Link Building Through Social Media Engagement
Link building is a cornerstone of SEO, and social media can be a powerful tool for acquiring valuable backlinks. By sharing high-quality content on social media platforms, businesses can attract attention from influencers, bloggers, journalists, and other industry experts. When these individuals find value in the content, they may choose to link back to it from their own websites, blogs, or social media profiles. This not only drives referral traffic to the website but also signals to search engines that the content is authoritative and worthy of ranking higher in search results.

Additionally, social media platforms themselves can serve as valuable sources of backlinks. Most social media profiles allow businesses to include links to their website in their bio or profile description. By optimizing these profiles with relevant keywords and compelling calls-to-action, businesses can encourage users to visit their website and potentially earn valuable backlinks.

Integration and Amplification: Maximizing Impact
To fully harness the potential of linking social media and SEO, businesses must adopt an integrated approach that aligns their social media and SEO strategies. This involves:

Creating SEO-friendly social media content: Craft social media posts that are optimized with relevant keywords, hashtags, and links to drive organic search traffic.

Promoting shareable content: Produce high-quality, shareable content that resonates with your target audience and encourages engagement and social sharing.

Engaging with influencers and industry experts: Build relationships with influencers and industry experts through social media engagement, collaboration, and outreach to earn valuable backlinks and endorsements.

Monitoring and measuring performance: Track and analyze the impact of social media efforts on website traffic, backlink acquisition, and search engine rankings to inform future strategies and optimizations.

By developing a synergistic relationship between social media and SEO, businesses can amplify their online visibility, attract qualified traffic, and ultimately, achieve their digital marketing goals in a competitive online landscape.

Virtual Private Server Hosting and Virtual Desktops Are the Ideal Choices for IT Support in Your Business

Businesses rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to drive productivity, efficiency, and innovation. As technology continues to evolve, traditional IT support models are being replaced by more agile and cost-effective solutions. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offer businesses a modern approach to IT support that is flexible, scalable, and tailored to their specific needs. Let's explore why VPS hosting and VDI are the ideal choices for IT support in your business.

Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability:
One of the key benefits of VPS hosting and VDI is their inherent flexibility and scalability. With VPS hosting, businesses have access to a virtualized server environment that can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate changing workload demands. This means you can quickly add or remove resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage without the need for physical hardware upgrades. Similarly, VDI allows businesses to provision virtual desktops on-demand, enabling employees to access their desktop environment from any device, anywhere, at any time. Whether you're experiencing rapid growth, seasonal fluctuations, or unexpected spikes in demand, VPS hosting and VDI provide the agility and scalability to adapt to your evolving business needs.

Improved Security and Data Protection:
Security is a top priority for businesses when it comes to IT support. VPS hosting and VDI offer enhanced security features and data protection mechanisms to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate cybersecurity threats. With VPS hosting, each virtual server operates independently of others on the same physical hardware, reducing the risk of security breaches and unauthorized access. Additionally, VPS hosting providers often implement robust security measures such as firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection systems, and regular security updates to protect against cyber threats. Similarly, VDI centralizes data storage and management within the data center, reducing the risk of data loss or theft from lost or stolen devices. By consolidating security controls and implementing best practices, VPS hosting and VDI help businesses maintain a secure and compliant IT environment.

Streamlined Management and Maintenance:
Managing and maintaining traditional IT infrastructure can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. VPS hosting and VDI simplify IT management by centralizing control and administration within a virtualized environment. With VPS hosting, businesses have full root access to their virtual server, allowing them to install, configure, and manage software applications, databases, and services with ease. Similarly, VDI enables IT administrators to deploy, update, and patch virtual desktops centrally, reducing the overhead associated with managing individual devices. By automating routine tasks, minimizing downtime, and optimizing resource utilization, VPS hosting and VDI streamline IT operations and free up valuable time and resources for strategic initiatives.

Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency:
Traditional IT support models often require significant upfront investments in hardware, software, and infrastructure. VPS hosting and VDI offer a more cost-effective alternative by leveraging virtualization technology to maximize resource utilization and minimize wastage. With VPS hosting, businesses can enjoy the benefits of dedicated server resources at a fraction of the cost of a physical server. Similarly, VDI eliminates the need for expensive desktop hardware and peripherals, reducing capital expenditures and ongoing maintenance costs. By consolidating resources, optimizing efficiency, and leveraging economies of scale, VPS hosting and VDI help businesses achieve greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency in their IT operations.

In today's digital age, businesses need agile, scalable, and cost-effective IT support solutions to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Virtual Private Server hosting and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure offer businesses a modern approach to IT support that delivers enhanced flexibility, security, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. By leveraging the power of virtualization technology, businesses can streamline IT operations, improve productivity, and drive innovation while reducing costs and mitigating risks. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, VPS hosting and VDI are the ideal choices for IT support in your business.

Local SEO Services India Need To Be More Competitive To Face Global Challenges

The digital landscape has become a battleground where businesses vie for visibility, relevance, and market share. Local SEO services in India are no exception, facing mounting pressure to adapt, innovate, and compete on a global scale. As businesses strive to expand their reach and attract customers from around the world, the need for more competitive local SEO services in India has never been more pressing. Let's explore the challenges and opportunities facing local SEO services in India and how they can rise to the occasion.

Understanding the Global Landscape:
Globalization has transformed the way businesses operate, opening up new opportunities and challenges in equal measure. As businesses expand into new markets and target international audiences, the competition for online visibility intensifies. Global brands with deep pockets and extensive resources often dominate search engine results pages (SERPs), making it difficult for local businesses in India to compete effectively.

Challenges Facing Local SEO Services in India:
Local SEO services in India face several challenges that hinder their ability to compete on a global scale:

Limited Resources: Many local businesses in India have limited budgets and resources to invest in comprehensive SEO strategies, making it challenging to compete with larger, well-funded competitors.
Language and Cultural Barriers: Language and cultural differences can pose significant challenges for local SEO services in India when targeting international audiences. Adapting content and marketing strategies to resonate with diverse global audiences requires careful consideration and localization efforts.
Technical Expertise: Keeping pace with rapidly evolving SEO trends, algorithms, and best practices requires specialized technical expertise. Many local SEO services in India struggle to stay abreast of the latest developments and lack the resources to invest in ongoing training and education.
Global Competition: Local businesses in India must contend with fierce competition from global brands with established reputations, extensive marketing budgets, and sophisticated SEO strategies. Competing with these giants requires strategic thinking, creativity, and innovation.
Opportunities for Improvement:
While the challenges facing local SEO services in India are formidable, there are also ample opportunities for improvement and growth:

Focus on Niche Markets: Local SEO services in India can carve out a niche for themselves by targeting specific industries, geographic regions, or audience segments where they have a competitive advantage.
Embrace Innovation: Embracing innovation and leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and voice search can give local SEO services in India a competitive edge.
Invest in Education and Training: Investing in education and training for SEO professionals can help local SEO services in India stay ahead of the curve and provide value-added services to clients.
Foster Collaboration: Collaborating with other local businesses, industry associations, and government agencies can help local SEO services in India pool resources, share expertise, and overcome common challenges.

In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, local SEO services in India must rise to the challenge and adapt to changing trends, technologies, and consumer behaviors. By addressing key challenges, embracing innovation, and seizing opportunities for growth, local SEO services in India can strengthen their competitive position and thrive in the digital age. With strategic thinking, creativity, and a commitment to excellence, local SEO services in India can overcome global challenges and achieve success on the world stage.

Do You Want Advice About Cosmetic Surgery? Try These Tips!

Research Thoroughly: Before making any decisions about cosmetic surgery, it's essential to conduct thorough research. Take the time to learn about different procedures, their potential risks and benefits, and the qualifications and experience of surgeons.

Set Realistic Expectations: While cosmetic surgery can enhance your appearance, it's important to have realistic expectations about the outcomes. Understand that no procedure can guarantee perfection, and results may vary from person to person.

Choose a Qualified Surgeon: Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience and a track record of successful outcomes is crucial. Look for credentials, certifications, and patient testimonials to ensure you're in capable hands.

Communicate Clearly: Open and honest communication with your surgeon is key. Be upfront about your goals, concerns, and expectations, and ask plenty of questions during the consultation process to ensure you fully understand the procedure and its potential outcomes.

Consider Alternatives: Cosmetic surgery is not the only option for achieving your aesthetic goals. Explore non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures, such as injectables, laser treatments, or skincare regimens, to determine if they might be suitable alternatives for you.

Assess Risks and Benefits: Every surgical procedure carries inherent risks, such as infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia. It's important to weigh these risks against the potential benefits of the surgery and make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances.

Prepare Mentally and Emotionally: Undergoing cosmetic surgery can be a significant emotional and psychological journey. Take the time to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the process, and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if needed.

Follow Pre- and Post-Operative Instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific instructions to follow before and after surgery to optimize outcomes and minimize complications. Be sure to adhere to these instructions closely and follow up with your surgeon as directed.

Allow for Recovery Time: Cosmetic surgery requires adequate time for recovery and healing. Be prepared to take time off from work or other obligations, and follow your surgeon's recommendations for post-operative care and follow-up appointments.

Maintain Realistic Expectations: Finally, remember that cosmetic surgery is just one aspect of overall self-care and well-being. While it can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence, true beauty comes from within. Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, nurturing positive relationships, and embracing your unique qualities.

Growing Trend of Cloud Desktop in IT Field

Understanding Cloud Desktop:
In recent years, the IT landscape has witnessed a significant shift towards cloud-based solutions, and cloud desktop is no exception. Also known as Desktop as a Service (DaaS), cloud desktop offers a virtualized desktop environment hosted in the cloud, accessible from any internet-connected device. This innovative approach to desktop computing is revolutionizing the way businesses manage their IT infrastructure, offering increased flexibility, scalability, and accessibility.

Flexibility and Scalability:
One of the key advantages of cloud desktop is its inherent flexibility and scalability. Unlike traditional desktop setups that require physical hardware and on-premises infrastructure, cloud desktops can be provisioned, scaled, and customized on-demand to meet changing business needs. Whether you're scaling up to accommodate rapid growth or scaling down to optimize costs, cloud desktop offers unparalleled flexibility to adapt to your organization's evolving requirements.

Accessibility and Remote Work:
The rise of remote work and distributed teams has further fueled the adoption of cloud desktop solutions. With cloud desktop, employees can access their virtual desktops and applications from anywhere, at any time, and on any device with an internet connection. This empowers businesses to embrace flexible work arrangements, improve productivity, and attract top talent regardless of geographical location.

Security and Compliance:
Security is a top concern for businesses when it comes to adopting cloud technologies, and cloud desktop is no exception. Leading cloud desktop providers offer robust security features and compliance certifications to safeguard sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance. By centralizing data storage and management within secure data centers, cloud desktops help mitigate the risk of data breaches, loss, or theft, offering peace of mind to businesses and their customers.

Cloud desktop offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional desktop setups, eliminating the need for expensive hardware investments, maintenance, and upgrades. With cloud desktop, businesses pay a predictable subscription fee based on usage, avoiding upfront capital expenditures and ongoing operational costs associated with on-premises infrastructure. Additionally, cloud desktops enable businesses to optimize resource utilization, minimize wastage, and scale resources as needed, ensuring maximum cost-efficiency and ROI.

Simplified IT Management:
Managing traditional desktop environments can be complex and time-consuming, requiring IT teams to oversee hardware procurement, provisioning, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Cloud desktop simplifies IT management by centralizing control and administration within a virtualized environment. With cloud desktop, IT teams can provision, deploy, and manage desktops and applications centrally, streamline updates and patches, and troubleshoot issues remotely, freeing up valuable time and resources for strategic initiatives.

Future-Proofing IT Infrastructure:
As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, future-proofing IT infrastructure is essential for businesses to remain competitive and resilient. Cloud desktop offers a future-proof solution that enables businesses to embrace emerging technologies, adapt to changing market dynamics, and scale their operations seamlessly. By leveraging the scalability, flexibility, and accessibility of cloud desktop, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the digital age.

In conclusion, the growing trend of cloud desktop in the IT field represents a paradigm shift in how businesses approach desktop computing. By embracing cloud desktop, businesses can unlock a wealth of benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability, accessibility, security, cost-efficiency, simplified IT management, and future-proofing of IT infrastructure. As the demand for remote work and digital transformation continues to rise, cloud desktop is poised to become the new standard for desktop computing in the modern workplace.

The Perfect-10 Smile With Perfect Dentists Only

The Importance of a Perfect Smile:
Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and having a confident, radiant smile can leave a lasting impression. Achieving the elusive "Perfect-10" smile requires more than just good oral hygiene—it requires the expertise of skilled and experienced dentists who understand the intricacies of dental aesthetics and can tailor treatments to your unique needs.

The Role of Perfect Dentists:
Perfect dentists go beyond routine dental care to specialize in cosmetic dentistry, focusing on enhancing the appearance of your smile through various treatments and procedures. From teeth whitening and veneers to orthodontics and dental implants, perfect dentists have the knowledge, skills, and artistic eye to create a smile that not only looks flawless but also feels comfortable and natural.

Personalized Treatment Plans:
No two smiles are alike, which is why perfect dentists take a personalized approach to treatment. They take the time to listen to your concerns, assess your oral health, and discuss your goals and expectations. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, perfect dentists develop customized treatment plans tailored to address your specific dental issues and achieve your desired results.

State-of-the-Art Technology:
Perfect dentists leverage state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques to deliver exceptional results. From digital smile design software and intraoral scanners to laser dentistry and 3D imaging, perfect dentists utilize cutting-edge tools and equipment to ensure precision, accuracy, and patient comfort throughout the treatment process.

Comprehensive Range of Services:
Whether you're looking to brighten your smile, straighten crooked teeth, or restore missing teeth, perfect dentists offer a comprehensive range of services to address all your dental needs. From simple cosmetic enhancements to complex smile makeovers, perfect dentists have the expertise and resources to transform your smile into a work of art.

Commitment to Excellence:
Perfect dentists are committed to excellence in every aspect of their practice, from patient care and safety to clinical outcomes and aesthetic results. They stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in cosmetic dentistry, participate in ongoing training and education, and adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.

Patient-Centered Approach:
Above all, perfect dentists prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their patients. They create a warm, welcoming environment where patients feel comfortable and confident in their care. Perfect dentists take the time to educate patients about their treatment options, address any concerns or questions they may have, and ensure a positive dental experience from start to finish.

In conclusion, achieving the Perfect-10 smile requires the expertise of perfect dentists who specialize in cosmetic dentistry and are dedicated to delivering exceptional results. With personalized treatment plans, state-of-the-art technology, a comprehensive range of services, and a patient-centered approach, perfect dentists can help you achieve the smile of your dreams and boost your confidence and self-esteem for years to come.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Samsung Galaxy Premier is true smaller sibling to S3?

The Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is the smartphone that was officially realeased as the S3's smaller sibling. Perhaps they should have chosen the more powerful Premier instead


The Samsung Premier is the latest mid to upper-range phone from Samsung and offers a 4.65-inch HD screen along with a 1.5 GHz processor and the same 8MP snapper found on the Galaxy S3.

Boasting some impressive specs the Premier follows on from the same design language seen in the S3 and the new Galaxy Note 2 however it hasn't been classed in the same family.

The screen is a 1280x720 Super AMOLED HD job while powering the phone is a more than adequate 1.5GHz processor along with 1GB of RAM for all your multitasking needs.

On the back Samsung has kept the credentials high with the same 8MP snapper found on the S3. It'll come in a 3G and LTE version and looks to essentially be an update on the Galaxy Nexus.

The bad news? Well Samsung has no plans to release this highly desirable smartphone in the UK or indeed much of Europe, instead focusing on China and Korea as well as the Ukraine.

Source: Tech Radar

The Samsung Galaxy Premier emerged as an intriguing addition to the Galaxy lineup, positioned as a smaller sibling to the wildly popular Galaxy S3. With its compact size and impressive features, the Galaxy Premier aimed to offer a compelling alternative for users seeking a more pocket-friendly smartphone without compromising on performance or functionality.

Design and Form Factor:
At first glance, the Galaxy Premier bears a striking resemblance to its larger counterpart, the Galaxy S3. It features a sleek and ergonomic design with rounded edges, a slim profile, and a premium feel. The smaller form factor of the Galaxy Premier makes it easier to hold and use with one hand, appealing to users who prefer a more compact device without sacrificing screen real estate.

Display and Multimedia Experience:
Despite its smaller size, the Galaxy Premier boasts a vibrant and immersive display that rivals that of the Galaxy S3. With a 4.65-inch Super AMOLED display and a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels, the Galaxy Premier delivers crisp, clear visuals and vibrant colors for an enhanced multimedia experience. Whether you're watching videos, browsing photos, or playing games, the Galaxy Premier offers a visually stunning display that's sure to impress.

Performance and Specifications:
Under the hood, the Galaxy Premier packs a punch with its powerful hardware and performance capabilities. Equipped with a dual-core 1.5 GHz processor and 1GB of RAM, the Galaxy Premier delivers smooth multitasking, seamless navigation, and responsive performance for everyday tasks and activities. It also features 8GB or 16GB of internal storage, expandable via microSD card, allowing users to store their favorite apps, media, and files with ease.

Camera and Imaging Capabilities:
The Galaxy Premier comes equipped with an 8-megapixel rear camera with autofocus and LED flash, allowing users to capture high-quality photos and videos on the go. With features like Smile Shot, Panorama, and Burst Shot, the Galaxy Premier offers a versatile and intuitive camera experience that caters to both amateur photographers and seasoned enthusiasts. Additionally, the device features a 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera for video calls and selfies.

Software and User Experience:
Running on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with Samsung's TouchWiz UI overlay, the Galaxy Premier offers a user-friendly and intuitive software experience. With features like Multi-Window multitasking, Smart Stay eye-tracking technology, and S Voice voice recognition, the Galaxy Premier provides a host of useful features and functionalities to enhance productivity and convenience for users.

In conclusion, the Samsung Galaxy Premier proves to be a true smaller sibling to the Galaxy S3, offering a compelling combination of design, performance, and features in a more compact package. With its sleek design, vibrant display, powerful hardware, and intuitive software experience, the Galaxy Premier delivers a premium smartphone experience that's sure to satisfy users looking for a smaller, yet feature-rich device.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Grand Theft Auto V release date set as Spring 2013

Grand Theft Auto V is finally arriving, after months of speculations over delays and complications Rockstar have come forward to announce that the game will released soon


Rockstar have announced the GTA V release date as being Spring 2013. The next game in the hugely successful franchise will be landing on Xbox 360 and PS3.

After months of wondering whether the game would even make a 2013 release date it would appear as though we only have to wait until Spring 2013 to get our hands on GTA V.

The game is set in the fictional city of Los Santos however it's clearly modelled on the modern-day Los Angeles. The lead character is rumoured to be called Albert DeSilva while the voiceover cast is rumoured to contain some big hollywood names.

Little else is known about the game except that it will be the largest GTA yet and will probably feature a phoenix from the ashes style storyline.

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Apple exec replaced following Maps criticism

Apple did some serious reshuffling last night with the brunt of the focus being on the loss of exec Scott Forstall. It's believed he has been replaced after the slew of criticism at Apple Maps


Apple has seen the largest management shakeup since Steve Jobs died with the main cause for the reshuffle being the huge criticism that its Apple Maps service received following launch.

Senior software exec Scott Forstall has been replaced by Eddy Cue who will now oversee all of Apple's online services including Siri, Maps, iTunes Store and App Store and of course iBooks and iCloud.

Elsewhere the company has seen changes in equal measure with retail head John Browett leaving after just six months in his current position. Cnet believes his departure may have something to do with rumours that Apple's stores are suffering from cutbacks and mismanagement.

This news comes it was revealed that for the first time Apple performed below the expecations of Wall Street for two straight quarters. Before that the company also came under attack when it launched its Apple Maps service forcing Tim Cook to release a statement.

Apple most recently unveiled a new range of products including the iPad Mini, 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display and the iMac which at its thinnest point is just 5mm thin.

Source: Apple via Financial Times

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

BBC iPlayer on Sky+ is now live

 BC iPlayer is now available on Sky+ to any Sky customers who have their Sky+ box hooked up to the internet offering up the full capabilities of iPlayer whilst also integrating Series Link and more.

   Integrated into the EPG the user is able to flick through the channels, search for content and then watch in HD as well. Once a program is selected the content is then downloaded into the Sky Planner to be watched at any time.

Sky already had ITV and Channel 5 on board and it has been confirmed that 4oD will be arriving in the New Year however an exact date hasn't been set.

iPlayer is arguably one of the largest on demand services in the world, last year the BBC received over 200 million requests for programmes with 1 million going to Doctor Who alone.

Sky has been steadily upgrading its service with the new EPG which took effect a few months ago while the addition of the entire Bond collection and all the Harry Potter films has greatly increased its Sky Go offering.

Monday 29 October 2012

Windows Phone 8 officially launched

Today Microsoft has, with the help of Jessica Alba has announced a whole host of new features for Windows Phone 8 including Rooms and Data Sense to cut down on data usage


Steve Ballmer took to the stage in California to announce Windows Phone 8 and all the new features that will be launching including Windows Phone 8 Rooms and how new apps will work on Windows Phone 8.

Windows Phone 8 features:

With the help of Jessica Alba Microsoft took to the stage to announce some key new features coming to Windows Phone 8 including Rooms which allows you to share calendars, chats and photos with anyone you choose whether they're on Windows Phone 8 or on another platform.

Elsewhere the company announced Kids's Corner which allows you to lock out any features which you don't want being accessed when someone else has the phone making it perfect for lending to kids during a long car journey.

One of the more practical features announced is Data Sense, an app which lets you monitor your data usage but also actively compresses web pages making sure you don't steam through data whilst also looking out for free WiFi hotspots.

Windows Phone 8 Release date:

All of these features and the rest of Windows Phone 8 will be arriving next weekend on handsets including the Nokia 920, Samsung Ativ S and the HTC 8X.

Samsung beats Apple with smartphone shipments

Despite the overwhelming success of the iPhone 5 analysts have put forward a picture of the smartphone market and actually it's Samsung who are sitting on the throne


Samsung shipped twice as many smartphones as Apple did in Q3 of 2012 making it the largest company in terms of smartphone shipments, in part thanks to its new Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 smartphones.

Analysts ABI have put forward the results of their research showing that the South Korean company dominated Q3 handset shipments with 102.6 million handsets shipped compared to Apple who shipped just 26.9 million.

Of course while it's important to remember that Apple only has two smartphones the Californian company will still need to ship over 90 million in Q4 to maintain its current level of growth.

Nokia has retained its position as the second-largest company despite the fact it's shipments were down 38 per cent, ABI points the blame at the Lumia 800 and Lumia 900 both of which cannot be upgraded to Windows Phone 8.

One of the most interesting statistics was that just 40 per cent of all handsets shipped in the world were smartphones, suggesting that for the global population a smartphone is still considered something of a premium product.

Source: ABI

Google Nexus 10 video shows new tablet before launch

Google will be entering the tablet market this month with the Google Nexus 10 with specs that could well both rival and in some areas trump even the latest generation Apple iPad


The Google Nexus 10 has reared its head once more before it gets it's official release in the next week or so. The Samsung-built Nexus 10 is rumoured to be sporting some pretty powerful specs.

Showing all of five seconds the video does give a sense of scale to the display and helps show off the new curved design. What it doesn't show however is the specs that the Nexus 10 will actually have under the hood.

Rumours have suggested that the Nexus 10 will come with an iPad-beating 10.1-inch display with a resolution of 2560x1600 which would make it the highest resolution tablet on the market.

In keeping with such a high-resolution display it's believed it'll have a 1.6GHz dual-core Exynos processor from Samsung along with 2GB of RAM to tackle multi-tasking and 16GB of storage.

The Google Nexus 10 was supposed to be launched today alongside a new 3G Nexus 7 tablet and the new Nexus 4 smartphone but as Google have cancelled the event we'll have to hold on a little longer.

Source: BriefMobile

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Sunday 28 October 2012

Panasonic set to ditch smartphones

Panasonic looks poised to pull out of the European smartphone market after less than year. The Japanese giant made a return to the smartphone fray in Europe in April this year, but according to insiders the unprofitable business is set to be killed off.

Reuters say that it has spoken to two anonymous sources, who said that Panasonic would most likely wind up its European mobile business by 31 March 2013. That means it will have spent less than year back in a market which it originally left in 2005.

Word is that Panasonic feels the financial crisis in Europe is to blame for its sluggish performance. But with only the major players truly gaining ground in the smartphone business, it’s not unsurprising it’s decided to cut its losses.

Panasonic is set to reveal its latest financial figures on Wednesday, 31 October, when an official announcement about its European smartphone business could be made.

Via Reuters

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Google Nexus event cancelled

Google has cancelled its planned Nexus event this coming Monday, 29 October. The Big G has decided to delay the unveiling of its new products because of Hurricane Sandy, which is due to hit New York City tomorrow.

In a brief statement, Google said, “We are canceling [sic] our Monday morning event in New York due to Hurricane Sandy. We will let you know our plans as soon as we know more.”

Google had been expected to show off its new Nexus 4 smartphone, as well as the much-leaked Google Nexus 10, a key rival to Apple’s newly released iPad with Retina Display. 

Hurricane Sandy is being billed as a ‘perfect storm’, with New York preparing to bear the brunt of vicious winds and rain in the next 24 hours. As soon as we get news of when Google reschedules the event, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Via The Verge

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Saturday 27 October 2012

iPad Mini “recreational” says Microsoft exec

The iPad Mini has been dismissed as a “recreational” device by Microsoft’s Steven Sinofsky. Speaking after the launch of Windows 8, the Big M boss said that tech fans would be better off buying a full-powered laptop for less money than Apple’s new tablet.

In an interview with All Things D, Sinofsky said of new, cheap Windows 8 laptops, “It’s $279. Here we are, talking about seven-inch recreational tablets for $329.”

Warming to his anti-Apple theme, Sinofsky turned his attention to the MacBook Air and spent time bigging up Intel’s Ultrabook range, saying they were a better bet thanks to their lower price point.

Windows 8 was released this week along with Microsoft’s new Surface tablet. The Redmond company is hoping to give its operating system a facelift and claw back mind share from Apple.

Via All Things D

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Apple – Blu-ray is no longer in demand on Macs

Apple’s Phil Schiller has said that Mac users are no longer questioning why the company’s computers don’t use Blu-ray. The comments come after Apple this week unveiled its new razor-thin iMac, a machine which doesn’t pack an optical drive at all.

Speaking to Time, Schiller said, “Blu-ray has come with issues unrelated to the actual quality of the movie that make [it] a complex and not-great technology…So for a whole plethora of reasons, it makes a lot of sense to get rid of optical discs in desktops and notebooks."

When asked whether customers had stopped asking about when Blu-ray was coming to Macs, Schiller simply replied, “Correct.” 

It’s perhaps no surprise that Apple has given Blu-ray a wide berth. Steve Jobs dubbed the Sony-led technology a “bag of hurt” in 2008 and the shift to HD rentals and downloads on iTunes means Apple is in a strong position when it comes to non-physical formats.

Via Time

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Google Nexus 10 images leaked

The Google Nexus 10 now appears to be a nailed on certainty to be revealed on Monday, 29 October, after shots of the new tablet appeared online. Snapped by BriefMobile, the new device has already hit the headlines this week after its manual was leaked online.

The images show the Google Nexus 10 will feature Samsung branding with a stunning, brushed aluminium finish. The 10-inch device will seemingly offer a premium experience to rival the newly updated iPad with Retina Display.

The screen is expected to go beyond Apple’s eyeball-stroking effort, at 2560x1600 pixels. It’s said to feature 16GB of internal storage, 2GB of RAM and a 1.7GHz dual-core processor, NFC and a 5 megapixel camera round the back.

Google is expected to reveal the Nexus 10 at a major event on Monday, when it will also tout its new Nexus 4 smartphone.

Via BriefMobile

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Friday 26 October 2012

Google Nexus 10 tablet manual leaked ahead of release

Google's next event is stacking up to be a bumper line-up of new Google products including the Nexus 4 smartphone and now it would appear a new iPad-beating Nexus 10 tablet


Google will unveil a new iPad-beating tablet next week called the Google Nexus 10, or at least that's according to a leaked manual which shows the Samsung-made tablet as having some rather astonishing specs under the hood.

Rumours have suggested that the Nexus 10 will have a 10.1-inch screen with a Retina Display-beating screen resolution of 2560x1600 with 299ppi making it probably the highest-resolution screen on any tablet available today.

It's not yet known what will be under the hood but it would be safe to say that Samsung will have equipped it with a quad-core processor, at least 2GB of RAM and the upcoming version of Android known as Key Lime Pie.

Alongside this mammoth tablet Google will reportedly be launching a new Nexus 4 smartphone by LG and an updated version of the T3 Award-winning Google Nexus 7 which will feature 3G connectivity and 32GB of storage putting it right in the firing line of Apple's new iPad Mini.

Source: The Verge

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City coming to iOS and Android

After the success of Grand Theft Auto III on iOS and Android Rockstar Games has seen fit to port another classic title to the mobile gaming format and so the 80's are heading to iPhone


To celebrate 10 years of Love Fist, Tommy Vercetti and Steve Scott the aging porn director, Rockstar Games will be launching Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on the iPhone 5 and other iOS devices and on selected Android devices.

The classic title sees Tommy Vercetti take on the Miami underworld in a glorious blaze of bright lights, hard drugs and over-the-top characters. After the success of Grand Theft Auto III on iPhone and iPad the company has decided to go one step further.

Continuing the celebration Rockstar will also be releasing never-before-seen artwork as well as a special anniversary trailer for the game which will feature the best bits of Vice City.

The game will also featured remastered graphics as well as some in-game treats for the mobile version of the game. No word on an official release date as yet but Rockstar says stay tuned as the announcement will be coming in a few weeks.

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Wii U will have a 'negative impact' on Nintendo sales

Nintendo will be the first to admit they've had a tough year, in fact they have admitted it in their quarterly report and it looks like the Wii U will make things worse before they get better


Nintendo has admitted that sales of the Nintendo Wii U will have a 'negative impact on Nintendo's profits early after the launch' due to the fact the company will initially be selling the console at a loss.

Thanks to customer expectations Nintendo has conceded that the only way to sell the Wii U will initially be to sell the product at a loss thus further denting their already suffering sales after it was revealed the company has had to cut its predicted annual profits by a third.

In the quarterly report Nintendo President Satoru Iwata did however state that the company had a plan to restore business as usual saying,

"We will make best efforts to retrieve "Nintendo-like" profits by: boosting sales of the Nintendo 3DS system as a sound successor to Nintendo DS both in Japan and overseas during the year-end sales season,"

Nintendo's Wii U console is expected to be one of the big hits of Christmas boasting an entirely new way of playing games thanks to its touchscreen controller which allows multiple input types.

Going for a much larger market share the Wii U has already secured some blockbuster adult titles not before seen on a Nintendo console including Batman: Arkham City, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3.

Source: Nintendo

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Samsung posts £4.59 billion profit, in part due to Galaxy S3

Just after Apple posted their own quarterly earnings, Samsung has come forward with their own showing huge growth and some impressive sales thanks to the Galaxy S3


Samsung has announced a quarterly profit of around £4.59 billion, this figure is double that of last year and is in part down to the huge success of their Galaxy smartphones including the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2.

Not only was it a record quarter for the company but Samsung also managed to gain nearly two thirds of their profits through smartphone sales as the company is believed to have already shipped 18-20 million Galaxy S3 smarpthones.

This golden age could be coming to an end however as Reuters predicts that the company's profits will slow after Christmas thanks to stagnent TV sales and the slowing of the smartphone market.

Recently the company won a victory over its main smartphone and tablet rival Apple after a UK judge ruled that not only do Samsung's products not infringe on Apple's designs but also that the Apple should publish a number of ads stating as such in UK publications.

The Californian company has also been ordered to post a link to this statement on its homepage, somewhat dampening its recent launch of the iPad Mini and the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display.

Samsung has recently launched its update to the Galaxy Note with the Galaxy Note 2 sporting a larger 5.5-inch display as well as the new design philosophy that was first started through the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Source: Reuters

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Apple publishes Samsung tablet ruling on website

After months of courtroom-based bickering Apple and Samsung have laid down their swords after a judge ruled that Samsung's products were not infringing on Apple's design


Apple has today posted a statement about the Apple vs Samsung ruling as ordered by the judge, Apple will also have to publish a number of ads in certain leading UK publications where it will have to state that Samsung's products do not infringe on Apple's own designs.

The statement is suitably vague, as is expected, but does contain the vital statement which confirms that Samsung have not copied the iPad in creating their own products.

"The Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 8.9 and Tab 7.7 do not infringe Apple’s registered design No. 0000181607-0001."

The statement then goes on to quote the judge's ruling which includes the famous admittance that the judge thought that Apple's products were cooler than Samsung's.

The ruling only applies to the UK so while it means the end of the line for both companies here Samsung has already had to pay Apple $1 billion in damages in the US and had its products banned in Germany.

Source: Apple

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Thursday 25 October 2012

Windows 8 UK prices and release date unveiled

At a New York event Microsoft has been launching its next version of Windows 8 along with the Microsoft Surface tablet as it looks to take back some of the market share from Apple


Microsoft has, this evening, unveiled its Windows 8 operating system along with official Windows 8 UK pricing and and more.

Windows 8 which will run on tablets, computers and hybrids has been built from the ground up to work seamlessly with other Microsoft devices and also with touchscreen devices.

The software was launched at an event in New York where Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confidently announced "Windows 8 brings together the best of the PC and the tablet. It works perfect for work and play and it is alive with your world. Every one of our customers will find a PC that they will absolutely love."

Windows 8 UK pricing:

Want Windows 8? Well from 30 October you'll be able to get your hands on a copy for as littler as £14.99 if you have a computer running a Windows Upgrade eligable PC.

If you're just upgrading normally then you can get hold of Windows 8 for £24.99 from either the Microsoft website or through retailers such as PC World.

Image credit: Windows 8 demo

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Apple 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina Display gets low iFixit score

Apple's latest and greatest 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display has received a damming score from iFixit blaming the complete inability to repair the display among other things


The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display has been given a low score of just two out of 10 by iFixit after it discovered that many of the new MacBook's latest features have come at a high cost.

The company which famously pulls apart the latest tech so consumers are away of just how repairable their latest gadgets are, took a screwdriver to the new Retina Display MacBook and had some fairly frustrating news to impart.

The battery has been glued into the aluminium casing making it very difficult to remove or indeed replace. Pentalobe screws also cause them some difficult locking the entire closure from pyring eyes.

Most shocking was the news that the RAM has been soldered to the logic board so if you're thinking of upgrading your RAM in a years time or so think again.

Finally iFixit had particular beef with the Retina Display itself thanks to the fusing together of the parts allowing Apple to create such a thin display, so while it may look incredibly desirable the website advises that if anything goes wrong you'll have to replace the entire display.

Source: iFixit

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Lovefilm arrives on Amazon Kindle Fire range

Streaming service now providing thousands of movies and TV show’s on the tablet range


Lovefilm’s selection of movies and TV shows are now  available to stream on the Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire.

Both tablets  will come with a month’s free subscription for in the UK. Users will be able to login via Amazon account details.

Whispersync technology keeps track of the last viewed point in a video which can be resumed from another device, such as the PS3.

Meanwhile X-Ray For Movies will embed content from IMBD, which Amazon also owns, into the video, should you want extra info.

Jim Buckle, Managing Director at Lovefilm, said: “Every Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire in the UK comes with seamless integration of Lovefilm giving users access to thousands of movies and TV shows. This is a huge moment for Lovefilm and continues to expand our multi-platform offering – delivering the very best content onto the most popular devices, which can only be great news for film and TV fans.”

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

iPad Mini price splits T3 readers

With the iPad Mini now tackling the small tablet market we asked T3 readers which they would choose over a Nexus 7, Kindle Fire HD and the new iPad Mini


The Apple iPad Mini is a great product but its price point is just too high in the current market, or at least that's according to the majority of readers who responded to a question on our Facebook page.

We asked readers which tablet they would choose out of the 16GB iPad Mini, 16GB Google Nexus 7 and the 16GB Kindle Fire HD and the response was unanimous with the majority of readers choosing the Nexus 7 thanks to its open platform and attractive pricing.

James Ivan praised Android's open source positives suggesting it provided "More freedom for paying less. heck, I'd go with nexus."

On the other hand Simon Williams argues that Apple's closed ecosystem is worth the premium saying "Apple's app ecosystem is worth the £100, plus its connectivity to the iPhone and the Mac. There is no choice."

That said, readers have found the price of the iPad Mini to be a sticking point with its lower specs being a particular problem, as pointed out by LeInad Flosa who blunty sums it up saying "£269 for a tablet with a 4S specs...thats fooling the consumer."

Apple are not without their fans though as those who did choose the iPad Mini were aware of the price hike but still felt that it was value for money as in the case of John Murphy.

"iPad Mini, because it looks gorgeous, tonnes more apps, cheap, and because apple know how to support and make products last, think about it, a 3 year old product (3GS) still supports iOS6."

Apple iPad Mini specs:

The new iPad Mini comes in black and white and is just 7.2mm thick, around a quarter thinner than the 4th generation of iPads. The device weighs just 0.68 lbs. "It's as light as a pad of paper," said Schiller. "We were going to say book, but books are heavier!"

The iPad Mini has the same screen resolution as the iPad 2, but it's screen size is 1024 x 768 with a 7.9 inch multi-touch display. The iPad Mini delivers the same iPad experience users have come to expect in a design that has 35 percent more screen real estate than 7-inch tablets.

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Huawei offers unrestricted access to code and hardware

Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant, has offered the Australian government unrestricted access to its code and hardware in order to allay security fears

Huawei's decision to offer unfettered access to both its hardware and software to the Australian government comes after it was barred from competing for contracts in that country's national broadband network. The move looks like Huawei is making a bid to offer more transparency in its inner workings.

The BBC has quote John Lord, chairman of Huawei's Australian arm, saying that the company needed to make an effort to clear up any misinformation about its reputation, in a speech he gave to Australia's National Press Club.

"Huawei has done a very poor job of communicating about ourselves and we must take full responsibility for that," said Lord.

He added that Huawei needed to be more open, and he announced Huawei's plan to give the Australian government unrestricted access to its hardware and software source code.

Earlier this month, the US House Intelligence Committee warned American telecoms operators against dealing with Huawei, saying they had very serious concerns about the Chinese telecom company and its possible connections to the communist Chinese government.

Source: BBC

Source : rss[dot]feedsportal[dot]com