IBM 000-M229 Exam
Exam Number/Code: 000-M229
Exam Name: IBM SPSS Predictive Analytics Sales Mastery v1
Questions and Answers: 45 Q&As
Updated: 11-26-2011
Exampdf IBM 000-M229 tutorials are here for the individual who needs a running start before their Exampdf 000-M229 exam. The guid, or IBM 000-M229 tutorial will take you from novice to intermediate with detailed instruction and accompanied by illustrations or exhibits. Use the 000-M229 guide as a prelude to Exampdf 000-M229 sample questions or as a review just before your IBM 000-M229 actual exam. 000-M229 tutorial will take you from novice to intermediate with detailed instruction and accompanied by illustrations or exhibits. Use the 000-M229 guide as a prelude to Exampdf 000-M229 sample questions or as a review just before your IBM 000-M229 actual exam.
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1.What is IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management?
A.Geospatially enabled asset and service management
B.A Maximo add-on that provides remote asset management
C.An asset management solution used by NASA
D.An asset management solution to manage linear asset
Answer: A