It is not difficult to pass the 000-104 exam certification that is a new addition of International Business Machine. Things have become easy now. Various websites are available there in the market which is offering 000-104 exam solution brochures for the assistance of IT experts. These websites have all the solutions regarding IT experts required exam.
Test 000-104: AIX 6.1 Administration Exam Objectives:
Backup and Recovery (5%)
a.Recover from a lost root password
b.Backup AIX OS and data using AIX commands (mksysb, mkcd, tar, backup, etc)
c.Restore AIX OS and data using AIX commands, including listing backup media contents (restvg, restore, tar, etc)
System Initialization and Boot (7%)
a.Describe and modify the /etc/inittab and rc files
b.Describe the different run levels and boot modes
c.Use commands to manage the boot list and create boot logical volumes (incl. changing the boot list)
d.Describe the boot process (BIST, POST, mounts, cfgmgr)
e.Interrupt the boot process and use SMS
f.Describe booting from different media (disk, network, tape, cd)
g.Perform system or partition startups, shutdowns and reboots
The 000-104 exam certification contains 117 questions and answers. The permissible time to attempt this exam is 150 minutes. Candidates can acquire IBM AIX 6.1 Administration exam certification if they get 59% passing scores in exam. This exam IBM certification covers an extensive range of topics and questions with which contestants can also broad their knowledge and can easily expand their expertise.
000-104 exam details Candidates can become IBM Certification Rational certified professionals by using a general 000-104 Certification test offered by Test4actual. We all know that succeeding in 000-104 Exam is essential in the IT industry. Rational Certification is a world-widely recognized certification. In order to enhance your career value, it??s right to get 000-104 certification. We devise Test4actual 000-104 simulator exam containing various 60 questions in a way that could help you ace the exam without any other books or materials.
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7. Which port must be open on the HMC to allow remote web access?
Answer: C
8. Which are the two main uses of a VIO server?
A.Virtualize network and memory to LPARs.
B.Virtualize network and storage to LPARs.
C.Virtualize memory and processors to LPARs.
D.Virtualize storage and processors to LPARs.
Answer: B
The main advantages that an IT expert can get from the certification of 000-104 test are that they can enlighten their expertise. They also can enhance them in a better way. It is a dream of all the IT experts to get some elevated position among other workers. No doubt that they can get it if they have some additional degree with them that must be in the form of certifications. IBM organization is offering a wide range of certifications for that purpose. The AIX 6.1 Administration certification is the finest creation of IBM Company. It is providing several benefits to the professionals of information technology. Test4actual is a web site where professionals can find all the questions and answers relevant to the 000-104 test. Currently candidates have no need to be worried because now the success is in their excess. So feel proud with the certification of 000-104 test exam.
At Test4actual Certified IBM Certification 000-104 training study materials we provide you with Practice Questions and Answers, Practice Testing Software, 000-104 Study Guides, Preparation Labs and Audio Learnings. Test4actual Certified IBM 000-104 exam Training Tools are detailed and provide you with a real time environment.
Our Study Material and Training Tools are backed by 90 days of free updates ,meaning that you will always get the latest updates for your 000-104 Certification Exam. As soon as the 000-104 Certification Exam Objectives change, our Test4actual Study Material changes as well. We know your needs and we will help you in passing your 000-104 Certification Exam with confidence. Do not fall for those cheap ones who copy from us. Go for the quality 000-104 Study Material with fastest updates in affordable prices through us. Join Now.
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