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4.A Notes mail message is sent by Miguel to an Internet address through an adjacent Domino domain
over NRPC that then sends mail to the Internet over SMTP. Miguel is now attempting to recall the mail
message. Which of the following will be the result of his attempt?
A. He will receive an email that he cannot recall the email message
B. He will immediately receive a prompt that the message is not enabled for message recall
C. He will receive a message from the Internet recipients mail server that the message cannot be recalled
D. He will successfully recall the message if it is allowed in the server configuration and enabled in his
user policy
Answer: A
3.Jose set up Web authentication using primary and secondary directories. Which one of the following
describes the order in which he set up directories to be searched?
A. Domino primary directory, then Domino secondary directories. This is the only option available.
B. Domino primary directory, then either Domino or LDAP secondary directories. The administrator can
specify the order of secondary searches.
C. LDAP primary directory, then LDAP secondary directory, and then Domino secondary directories. This
is the order in which secondary searches must be made.
D. Domino primary directory, then Domino secondary directory, and then LDAP secondary directories.
This is the order in which secondary searches must be made.
Answer: B