It includes two parts, one is the SAP WAS640 core technology and system integration, and another part is the database: can choose Oracle 9.2, DB2 8, and SQL Server 2003, etc.After the exam for about four to six weeks, can know through or not. Time depending on different countries. All scores, and the results will be sent to Germany SAP C_TFIN52_64 exam headquarters education center certification. So many countries now has to know right away from already the achievements, but still need to wait four weeks, then can get hold of a laser seals, SAP education minister signature certification. Many in the beauty certified consultants will also get a name card of the size of the plastic authentication certificate, but generally SAP internal certification exams, no ID card only the authentication certificate.
The fourth is the installation of the system is ADM110 course; Include how to install system; Plans to install the system; The installation process which include; How to upgrade kernel; What is a UNICODE, how to convert code, namely UNICODE, gb code conversion; How to solve installation problems (trouble shooting).C_TFIN52_64 exam Fifth, software logistic, how to establish a set TSM, how to do Client Copy, what is ABAP development, how to develop the development process, how to change the program development system transmission to the quality guarantee system that was introduced into production system; How to make the structure of the system as a whole; How to use the new Solution Manager to provide each function to do system management.
For the exam, if not through, must be in 6 to 8 weeks to reconsider, not immediately to retake it. Every time cost about 500 dollars, countries don't the same. The exam v must first registered, tell you to check which examination institutions authentication, because the authentication points very DuoZhong.C_TFIN52_64 exam In the technical aspects of the certification exam BASIS points, BW, Enterprise Portal, in BASIS technology and three parts: a is a database, such AS ORACLE, SAPDB, DB2, or SQL-Server, the second is the system, points OS / 390, WINDOWS, AS / 400 and, UNIX, etc.; The third is the version, SAP in different versions, and such as X, 4 X, 2002, 2003, and NW04 and so on.As for BASIS, the most important test is the technical adviser BASIS authentication, and SAP NETWEAVER 04 is the latest curriculum and the authentication.
It includes two parts, one is the SAP WAS640 core technology and system integration, and another part is the database: can choose Oracle 9.2, DB2 8, and SQL Server 2003, etc.After the exam for about four to six weeks, can know through or not. Time depending on different countries. All scores, and the results will be sent to Germany SAP C_TFIN52_64 exam headquarters education center certification. So many countries now has to know right away from already the achievements, but still need to wait four weeks, then can get hold of a laser seals, SAP education minister signature certification. Many in the beauty certified consultants will also get a name card of the size of the plastic authentication certificate, but generally SAP internal certification exams, no ID card only the authentication certificate.
The fourth is the installation of the system is ADM110 course; Include how to install system; Plans to install the system; The installation process which include; How to upgrade kernel; What is a UNICODE, how to convert code, namely UNICODE, gb code conversion; How to solve installation problems (trouble shooting).C_TFIN52_64 exam Fifth, software logistic, how to establish a set TSM, how to do Client Copy, what is ABAP development, how to develop the development process, how to change the program development system transmission to the quality guarantee system that was introduced into production system; How to make the structure of the system as a whole; How to use the new Solution Manager to provide each function to do system management.
For the exam, if not through, must be in 6 to 8 weeks to reconsider, not immediately to retake it. Every time cost about 500 dollars, countries don't the same. The exam v must first registered, tell you to check which examination institutions authentication, because the authentication points very DuoZhong.C_TFIN52_64 exam In the technical aspects of the certification exam BASIS points, BW, Enterprise Portal, in BASIS technology and three parts: a is a database, such AS ORACLE, SAPDB, DB2, or SQL-Server, the second is the system, points OS / 390, WINDOWS, AS / 400 and, UNIX, etc.; The third is the version, SAP in different versions, and such as X, 4 X, 2002, 2003, and NW04 and so on.As for BASIS, the most important test is the technical adviser BASIS authentication, and SAP NETWEAVER 04 is the latest curriculum and the authentication.