Tuesday, 24 January 2012

How to produce More rare metal being a Tailor in World of Warcraft

What are you going to do when you begun play world of Warcraft without gold? Luckily, it is quite easy to make WoW Gold at the first level. The key point is how to collect gold at the primary level.

Any decent WoW gold guide will always tell you to avoid spending on items that are not really needed at low levels. Save the World of Warcraft gold you make in the first 20 or so levels in order to use that to really be able to make a ton of WoW gold. Saving up just a couple of WoW gold can allow any player to start to build a fortune and be able to buy all your mounts, training and nay gear you would ever want. How do we do this?

There are many strategies detailed in the top World Of Warcraft gold guide books that a player can implement easy without wasting a ton of game play. This is important because we all have limited playing time. I will give you one example using one of the toons I play.

I have a level 70 priest that is a tailor and I have the ability to make Mystic Spellthread. On my server this spellthread sell for between 80-90g each. The mats required are primal mana that I buy in the auction house for 10g each. I need 5 of them so my cost is 50g plus 40 silver for one rune thread. Every day I log on and go straight to the auction house, buy 10 primal mana for 100g and 2 rune thread for 80 silver. I have just spent 100g and 80 silver.

I make my 2 Mystic Spellthread and place it for sale for 80g each. By the next day without fail these 2 spellthread have sold and I make 160g. That is a profit of 60g a day and it takes me all of 2 minutes to complete the whole process. This is just one technique I learned from a good World Of Warcraft gold guide. These guide books show you how to use techniques like the one above as well as grinding / farming mats, questing, raiding and many other techniques to make WoW gold from even the lowest levels.

Considering that a very good WoW gold guide costs about the same as a single purchase of gold from a gold selling site it is a pretty smart investment. Not to mention that those that buy WoW gold also risk having their account banned by Blizzard or simply being ripped of by a gold seller. If you buy WoW gold and the company does not deliver there is really no one you can complain to for help. So it is very important to choose a legal and reliable WoW Gold site.

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