How Good Is Your Antivirus?
When we hear the word virus, most of us step back and think: stay away from me, I don't want any thank you. This is mainly because we all know by now a virus is not a good thing in humans. There are many types of viruses, some do little harm like a cold, and some can even lead to death.
Just like we as human beings need to protect ourselves from any viruses (by using an antivirus such as immunizations, oral medication and protection), the same is expected with computers. A computer virus is as a human virus; it can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another (as it would from one person to another). Once your computer has a virus it can start infecting the files on your computer. If your computer is link with a network, the virus can spread through the network files. Viruses are not the only malware that can destroy your system files. Other malware such as computer worms, Trojan horses, spyware, dishonest adware and other malicious and unwanted software can cause irreparable damage to your computer.
So now you asking yourself: but how can it be? Well, on a computer, a virus is a program that can replicate itself. But first, in order to replicate itself, the virus (unknowingly to the user) is given permission to execute code and write to the computer memory. Thus many viruses latch on to an executable file that may be part of legitimate program. When the user then begins with the infected program, the virus codes are also executed at the same time. You get Nonresident viruses and Resident viruses. Nonresident viruses quickly move on to other hosts which they can infect. Resident viruses do not move on to other hosts, but load itself into the memory on execution and transfers control to the host program. This virus stays active and infects new hosts when the user uses those programs. After a while you will experience your computer working slowly (for instance when you want to open a file it takes forever).
Tip: Be careful when using memory sticks at internet cafe's computers that do not have a firewall and a good antivirus. If you put an infected memory stick in your personal computer, your computer is at risk to be infected.
So just like any human being that needs to protect himself, his computer also needs protection. And remember the better the protection, the better the result. All you need for your computer is a recommended antivirus and it will block any unwanted malware.
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