Gaming is a beautiful passion, but it should not keep one locked in the house, so while we all demanded more portability, the manufacturers decided to obey and deliver. This way a new type of hardware has seen the light of the day: the portable gaming console. The consumer’s market abounds in variety of offer, but one product of the kind that we thought it wordy of attention is the Sony PSPgo. Stay close to us and see if it could satisfy and match your needs and expectations!
The Sony PSPgo features a 16 GB of internal memory and Bluetooth support, so other devices (like headsets, for instance) can be connected to the gaming console. In addition, the Sony PSPgo provides a built-in microphone, so communication through Skype is piece of cake.
The design of the Sony PSPgo is not very different from the previous PSP (Playstation Portable) models, so you will find no trouble in handling it if you are familiar with Sony PSPgo’s older relatives. However, the gadget’s screen slides upwards, revealing four directional arrows, the four Playstation buttons (Triangle, Circle, Square and X) and an analog thumb stick. Its display is 3, 8 inches wide and the ultra-crisp technology makes it more resistant to accidents, assures the manufacturer.

In terms of performances, the Sony PSPgo hooks you up with 3D gaming joy (games with polygons, not 3D screen, as you were expecting), high fidelity images (either static or in motion) and good audio characteristics. If its memory is not what you would have expected, you can always enlarge it with Memory Stick Micro (I know, Sony should stick to universal standards). I am more into music kind of girl and if you are, too, here is a list with the type of files that the Sony PSPgo can read and play: MP3, WAV, WMA, ATRAC3+, and MP4 files. One can also access the Internet through the gaming console with the help of Wi-Fi technology.
Should you get it? Yes if you are into gaming, movies, music and more. The gadget is most certainly a fun thing to play with, but it is quite suitable for the ones in search for a complete entertainer, which is what the Sony PSPgo tends towards.

The price of the Sony PSPgo is listed at almost 175 US dollars. From my point of view this is one of the best priced portable consoles you can buy, so the Sony PSPgo is a reliable and relatively inexpensive gaming console. You lose nothing giving it a try.