If you have strong On page implemented on your site then consider your half race is already won. You must satisfy search engine by giving things it wanted on the webpage. Once it finds everything relevant then it automatically start promoting your site on the web. Later on by performing off page activities and increasing popularity of the website you can easily achieve top ranking on major search engines.
Here are some successful On-Page SEO techniques which still works :
1)Page Titles:- Page titles are one of the result giving factor on your website. Each and every page must have unique and keyword rich titles, but make sure you do not stuff your title with keywords.
E.g. Instead of writing website name like "ABC.com - Online Health Products" you can write "Buy Online Health Products at ABC.com"
When someone is looking for health product search engine will automatically show your result with your website.
2)Meta Descriptions:-
Many webmasters ignore to put effort on adding meta descriptions. But meta descriptions are one of the important factors in which you can include your targetted keyword. It will help to boost your ranking because search engine displays content from meta description in the search result.
E.g. When your are targetting Online health product you can mention one line with this keyword in meta description. "Get variety of online health
product with standard quality in affordable rates with fast shipping only at ABC.com".
3) Meta Tags:-
Meta tags is good place on your webapge where you can include your important keywords. You can incorporate all your keywords that you can
generate with your keyword analysis.
I go for "All in SEO Pack" when I am working on wordpress. It allows you to add 'Meta Title', 'Meta Descriptions', 'Meta Keywords' on your blog post page. After installation you will find this widget at the bottom of Add New post page. This automates your HTML efforts and makes your effort much easier.
4)H1-H6 Tags:-
While writing your content you can break it into various sections and paragraphs for easy reading and to better understand. It can be prioritise
by giving H1,H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 tags.
3) Meta Tags:-
Meta tags is good place on your webapge where you can include your important keywords. You can incorporate all your keywords that you can
generate with your keyword analysis.
I go for "All in SEO Pack" when I am working on wordpress. It allows you to add 'Meta Title', 'Meta Descriptions', 'Meta Keywords' on your blog post page. After installation you will find this widget at the bottom of Add New post page. This automates your HTML efforts and makes your effort much easier.
4)H1-H6 Tags:-
While writing your content you can break it into various sections and paragraphs for easy reading and to better understand. It can be prioritise
by giving H1,H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 tags.
Usually H1 is used for main heading at the start of the page. Other tags from H2-H6 can be used in other smaller sections. Search engine finds it helpful to determine what is most important and what is next to it. H1 tags with keywords is very useful move in On page SEO.