Structured Cabling is often described as a cabling or wiring that consists of a number of standardized smaller elements providing a comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure or in simple terms a standardized wiring cabling system designed to handle voice, data and video signals in a commercial or residential unit. An organized cabling system costs less to install and maintain over the life the system. Designing a Structured wiring Systems requires a lot of skills and careful planning as it involves a number of critical factors right from analyzing the architectural structure of the building to the quality of the Material. Also the data wire has to conform to the standards of CSA standards in Canada or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the US based businesses. The standardization of these installations is necessary to ensure acceptable system performance.
Structured Wiring installations typically include a host of carefully planned activities including planning to connect the entrance facilities, designing vertical and horizontal backbone pathways, usage of vertical and horizontal backbone cables, work area outlets, telecommunications closets, cross-connect facilities transition and consolidation points.
Structured Cabling wiring a very important role when it comes to Computer Networking in an IT environment. A well-managed network data system makes sure the wires are neatly laid without any kinks or blockage and are concealed properly making it environment neat and proper. The cables and the Switch ports should be properly marked with appropriate labels so that it is easy to pull or add new cables in future. Use cable markers or tags around each cable so that you know where each cable needs to connect when you plug them out later on for maintenance, etc. Similarly in case of laying Fiber optic cables, proper care should be taken to ensure the Fiber Optic Cables don't bend beyond their accepted bend radius, throughout their length. Backbone cables must have standard imposed fire rating specifications. If the backbone cable passes through plenum area (spaces in the building used for air return in air conditioning), the cable must be OFNP (Optical Fiber Non-conductive Plenum) rated. All exposed metallic elements of the cable system should be earthed (grounded) for safety purposes and also for electromagnetic compatibility requirements. Finally all cables must be tested for connectivity issues and to demonstrate compliance with the standards and specifications.
The best way to ensure success in installing your system is to use a reputable with properly trained staff that is able to design, implement and test the system. Cabling Hub Toronto is a leading structured Cabling company Toronto based out of Toronto, Canada offering stable and reliable cabling infrastructure to support all your communications requirements. Cabling Hub Toronto is uniquely qualified to deliver a structured cabling solution that will provide enduring business value to your business environment. CABLING HUB offers a wide range of professional cabling services including Structured Data Cabling, Fiber Optics Cabling, Telephone System Cabling, Voice cabling and Surveillance Systems Cabling services Canada wide and across the GTA and surrounding cities including Toronto, Mississauga and Brampton.