Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Computer Support Available in Denver

With so many different media types in the market today and from the markets of the past we have become a race of collectors. We have our old cassette tapes, old projector movies, VHS Videos and our beloved vinyl (record) collections. All of these take up a multitude of different corners or in some cases full attics in our homes.

Nearly every home has a Computer, whether it is a Lap Top a windows PC or a Mac. These machines are sitting in most homes used for playing games on or surging the net, but have you ever considered the full potential of your machine. These machines are ideal for all types of media and would allow us to save so much of that beloved space you have old media sitting in. All you need to do is transfer your old favorites into a format compatible with your machines and viola! You can now use that cupboard for something else or convert the attic into a room for the kids. Space is so important to us now but so are your memories. For a lot of people if they could have these memories in one convenient place they would happily do this but how?
You don't have to
Computer Services Denver can supply this service for you. Two Squares is a Computer Repair Denver who also offer specialized services specifically for these needs. You don't have to worry about packing up boxes of records or cassette tapes and taking them to the premises as Two Square does this for you if this is what you choose.
What they provide
Two Squares not only provide the standard transfer form media one format to media two format, they provide High Quality media.
Think of your vinyl collection. When you play your records you get all of the background sounds along with the song you're listening to such as the constant "shh" or static sound of the needle as the record plays. The worst sound is, and unfortunately over time records to get scratched so we hear the slight jump or sound quality go down as the needle misses that tiny part of the song. They can transfer 33rpm and 45rpm but they can also supply media transfer for 78rpm records too.
Before they begin the process of transferring your media they clean each record with a special solution which removes all dust particles reducing sound interference on the final recording. Their Computer services in Denver then take your vinyl and transfer it as normal. They then go through a step called digital post processing. This uses various software options, dependent on what is required for your media. It removes the hissing, static and many of the quality issues caused by damage to the record itself such as scratches. The final step is to transfer your new media to CD format.

Now with your record collection now in a much smaller compact disc format you can pack up that larger collection of records and store them (if you them on show previously), you can pass them down the family line or sell them to help you pay for that new attic conversion.

View the original article here