Monday, 13 February 2012

Exam free 640-802 dumps - CCNA Recommended Training

Exam 640-802 braindumps are highly useful in your preparation for exam 640-802. Exam 640-802 exam helps you prepare the most relevant study matter on your certification. Thus, Test4actual Exam free 640-802 dumps shortens your way to your destination. It has been seen that students are feeling quite at home in presence of 640-802 exam as they provide them a chance to take a sigh of relief and they need not to spend hours in their studies for the certification. A great number of candidates for Exam 640-802 have already been benefited themselves with the amazing study material of 640-802 brain dumps.

Since the competitiveness of the IT world has been increased recent years, IT certifications become the basic necessities if you want to have a boost in your career path. Passing CCNA 640-802 exam is treated as the most crucial way to get the Cisco Certification certification. Many IT professionals prefer to add exam 640-802 among their credentials.

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640-802 CCNA Exam Topics
Implement and verify WAN links
•Describe different methods for connecting to a WAN
•Configure and verify a basic WAN serial connection
•Configure and verify Frame Relay on Cisco routers
•Troubleshoot WAN implementation issues
•Describe VPN technology (including: importance, benefits, role, impact, components)
•Configure and verify a PPP connection between Cisco routers

Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats
•Describe today's increasing network security threats and explain the need to implement a comprehensive security policy to mitigate the threats
•Explain general methods to mitigate common security threats to network devices, hosts, and applications
•Describe the functions of common security appliances and applications
•Describe security recommended practices including initial steps to secure network devices

Cisco Certified Network Associate 640-802
Exam Number/Code : 640-802
Exam Name : Cisco Certified Network Associate
Questions and Answers : 323Q&As
Update Time : 2012-1-10
Price : $79.00

Free Test4actual 640-802 Demo Download
What is the first 24 bits in a MAC address called?
Answer: C
This question is to examine the MAC address structure.
The MAC address is expressed as a 48-bit hexadecimal number. The first 24-bit number is to identify the vendor/manufacturer, also called OUI. The latter 24-bit is assigned by the vendor.

In an Ethernet network, under what two scenarios can devices transmit? (Choose two.)
A. when they receive a special token
B. when there is a carrier
C. when they detect no other devices are sending
D. when the medium is idle
E. when the server grants access
Answer: CD

640-802 CCNA Recommended Training
•Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1) v1.0
•Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 (ICND2) v1.0
Courses listed are offered by Cisco Learning Partners-the only authorized source for Cisco IT training delivered exclusively by Certified Cisco Instructors. Check the List of Learning Partners for a Cisco Learning Partner nearest you

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