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Oracle Database 10g: Administration I 1Z0-042 Exam Topics
Performance Management
Use enterprise manager to view performance
Tune SQL by using SQL tuning advisor
Tune SQL by using SQL access advisor
Use automatic shared memory management
Use the memory advisor to size memory buffer
Backup and Recovery Concepts
Describe the types of failure that may occur in an Oracle Database
Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archived log files
Tuning instance recovery
Configure a database for recoverability
Configure ARCHIVELOG mode
Performing Database Backup
Create consistent database backups
Back up your database without shutting it down
Create incremental backups
Automate database backups
Backup a control file to trace
Monitor flash recovery area
We developed Oracle 1z0-042 exam with the help of our highly certified professionals according to the latest Oracle updates. Our study guide certification assures you passing your 1z0-042 exam in your first attempt with high scores and become Oracle certified professional. You can download certification test and start preparing your Oracle 1z0-042 right now. This certification exam preparation guide help you pass your Oracle 1z0-042 exam.
Oracle Database 10g: Administration I
Exam Number: 1Z0-042
Associated Certifications: Oracle Database 10g DBA OCA
Exam Price: US$ 195
Duration: 120 minutes
Number of Questions: 84
Passing Score: 68%
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