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You can find a better solution to your 70-583 preparation needs than Test4actual Links. Our 70-583 Free Notes, Microsoft 70-583 Sample Questions and 70-583 Brain dumps are reliable and are updated regularly with the changing Microsoft 70-583 Exam Objectives to give you the most accurate 70-583 Study Material possible. You can trust on our 70-583 Free Notes, Microsoft 70-583 Sample Questions and 70-583 Free Notes for a successful preparation of Microsoft 70-583 Certification Exam
Preparing for 70-583 Exam
Candidates should have a working knowledge of:
•the various Cloud service models and service model architectures
•the synchronization of data
•the security implications of Cloud-based applications as well as the data storage options available
•good resource allocation, potential cost impact of different architectural decisions,
•the deployment models and upgrading
•how to migrate existing applications, services, and data
•diagnostics and health of applications and services
•how to integrate Windows Azure applications with external resources
Candidates should also have at least six months of experience with the following:
•designing applications for hosting on the Windows Azure platform
•designing and developing Windows Azure applications
•SQL Azure
•Windows Azure AppFabric
•Windows Communication Foundation
•Internet Information Services (IIS)
•web applications
•identity management
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Microsoft PRO: Designing and Developing Windows Azure Applications 70-583
Exam Number/Code : 70-583
Exam Name : PRO: Designing and Developing Windows Azure Applications
Questions and Answers : 76Q&As
Update Time : 2012-2-10
Price : $79.00
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