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HP Application Lifecycle Management 11.x Software HP0-M46
Exam Number/Code : HP0-M46
Exam Name : Application Lifecycle Management 11.x Software
Questions and Answers : 69Q&As
Update Time : 2012-3-1
Price : $79.00
HP0-M46 Sections and Objectives
11 ALM concepts, architecture, and components
? Identify and describe terms and concepts.
? Identify and describe ALM applications and modules.
? Identify learning aids available in ALM.
? Describe the basic security model to access ALM.
? Describe the licensing model for QC/ALM.
? Describe the ALM client side.
12 Management terms, concepts, and tools
? Define release management terms.
? Identify and describe release management tools and concepts.
? Describe and apply project planning concepts and tracking tools.
? Describe the reporting capability under Project Planning and Tracking.
? Identify and define library management terms, concepts, and features.
? Define and describe baselines.
? View, move, and synchronize folders and libraries.
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Our state of the art Certification Study Materials and HP HP are matched by no other Training Tools Provider in quality and updation. HP0-M46 exam certification exams preparation tools include verified Questions and Answers, Practice Testing Software, Study Guides, Audio Learning and Preparation Lab.By studying our products, you will get to understand the theory as well as the practical part better than ever. You will be equipped with the best of the knowledge.
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