Thursday, 24 November 2011

Cracking Down On Cyber Criminals

When it comes to the criminal investigations of those people who have used computers to assist their crimes, there is no doubt that in many cases speed will be of essence. Everyone will have seen thriller movies where police chase to try and catch a criminal before they commit an atrocity, and should such a situation arise, developments in investigative technology have made it much more likely that the law enforcement services will catch their man. Working with the well-known computer company Dell, a new system can now help investigating time to be reduced significantly as they go through the information that can be found on confiscated computers.

What has happened during the Dell digital forensics program is that each aspect of the investigative process has been analyzed by the Dell team, and then if there are improvements that can be made, they have applied their significant knowledge to making it more effective. It isn't necessarily a case of making everything quicker, but there are also instances where systems have been adjusted so that they also work smarter to make sure that they have made the most of all the information that is held by that law enforcement agency.

The effective result for those who are using computers to plan and execute criminal plans is that when they are being traced and computers are found, the time in which the information can be taken from that computer and analyzed has been trimmed dramatically. If there is any key information to be found on such a computer that has been confiscated, it will be found in a much quicker time frame, which will give the investigators in the field a much more realistic chance of catching the criminals before any further damage can be done.

One of the challenges that modern criminal investigators face is that information can be exchanged so quickly, and that the criminals who have worked online are much more attuned to reacting quickly. This means that police will also have to become better at working quickly in order to successfully be able to deal with the threats that this new breed of criminal poses. Catching criminals is now often something that will rely more on the information that can be extracted from their hard disk than the DNA that can be extracted from the scene of the crime, and Dell digital forensics is helping policing agencies to react to this change.

Working with the well-known computer company Dell, a new system can now help investigating time to be reduced significantly as they go through the information that can be found on confiscated computers.

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