Warcraft professional range, according to the different races of our talents, and set, the same career also some different manifestations. Noble Knightsof the Holy Knights are dressed in ornate armor, destined to appear in the most dangerous place. Their defence capabilities so that they can face to facewith monsters and bear the brunt of warfare - they are human shields. Of course, the only purpose of this is not a Paladin; their rings, seals, treatment,and resurrection spells so that they can have the opportunity to become a secondary healer. We are not talking about how to play the game--a careerfascinating feature is a player got a deeper understanding of their specific and final master action! Wearing ornate armor of the Paladin is a noble Knight,destined to appear in the most dangerous place. Their defence capabilities so that they can face to face with monsters and bear the brunt of warfare - theyare human shields.
You can only use one ring at a time. You must determine, which rings the most suitable in each case. Other players can also tell you what kind of thebest. If you have many Paladin in the same team, they can each with a different aura, but more a Paladin cannot be the same kind of halo effect add up. Ifyou find another Paladin in the same team, asked him what he or she will use the ring, and then use a different aura of complementary. Devotion aura-additional defense-increases near the team members. When more than one team member was attacked in the battle with this ring. Punished aura - any monsterattack team-mate was holy damage. Priest rings-Paladin-priest at the foot of the Earth, resulting in y seconds into enemy within x Holy damage. Fireresistance of teammates near the Central-increase fire resistance capacity point x. Players only under the influence of Paladin auras. Shadow resistance aura--increased shadow resistance of teammates near point x. Players only is a Paladin, a halo effect. Frost resistance aura --increased frost resistance ofteammates near point x. Players only is a Paladin, a halo effect.
Blessing is a short-term gain magic. Paladin can only give the player a blessing. Purpose is to let the players decide, which wishes the most appropriateto current circumstances and blessed according to occurring changes. If you have more than one Paladin in a team, it would qualify in each of the Paladin andblessed each one. In this way, two Paladin can give each team member two wishes. I blessed --increased damage. For a team-mate that physically attack the enemy hurt. Hui's blessing --increased mana restores. For spellcasters that, like priest, Mage, and so on. You can also in the post-war power helps powerthis blessing for your recovery. Blessed protection - protects the target from physical harm. Bless this applies only to members of the team. I blessed relief-reduce the hatred of. The blessing to the priest or Mage, spellcasters, and make it in the face of a monster when the reduced threat. Monsters will always try to stop attacking them, blessing and this will make the caster in the absence of a monster to do more things in the context of the main goals.
Blessing of light - on a friendly target imposed a blessing, increase light effects on goal x, as well as rapid treatment spells y points for goal. For zminutes. Players only under the influence of a Paladin of a blessing. Justice's blessing - increase the harm caused by the dead. The undead monsters fight using a blessing (obviously). This is a blessed time shorter, so you need to release more and pay more attention to it when it failed. Blessing of sacrifice--release a blessing to team-mate, transferred caster combat damage x points at a time. For y seconds. Players can have only one blessing of the Holy Knights at the same time. Release a free wish--to team-mate wishes to make it from the effects of motion limits of skills/spells x seconds. Players only under the influence of a Paladin of a blessing.
Paladin can becustomized bytasks toget their own armored war horse. Other races will beable toride a horse. Ofcourse, the only purpose ofthis isnot a Paladin; their rings, seals, treatment, and resurrection spells sothat they can have the opportunity tobecome a secondary healer. Weare not talking about how toplay the gameme-- career fascinating fefeaturesa player got a deeper understanding oftheir specific and final master action.
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