Monday, 28 November 2011

Is World War three Possible?

Is World War three Impending?

Since the end of second World War, World War three has developed as a "concept" and democratic "theme" debated in global media. Hundreds of cinema, dramas, fictional novels and sci-fi thrillers have been written and aimed predicting the chance of World War 3. Though not everybody may be an ardent believer in the prophecies of the 15th hundred physician and astrologer, Nostradamus, many Nostradamus predictions approximate the World War three are very democratic as shortly as it reaches deciphering as shortly as shall the following World War take place.

Immediately afterwards the World War II ended, it is said that several unresolved wars between a figure of countries could have led to confidential assails via several allies on their enemies spearheading to another World War; however, fortunately, nothingness of that sort happened. When we are attempting to interpret is World War three possible, we have to assess the role of post second World War scenario.

Doom That has Passed, Fortunately (1950 - 2000)

The end of the second World War was labeled via the majority influential, barbaric and politically definite nuclear assails via the US on the pair Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. It is via far the single war that accustomed nuclear weapons breaching the backbone of Japan and coercing them to surrender. After the WWII ended, main energies of the world were interested in what wecall as the "arms race". The US nuclear assails warned continent like the thereafter Soviet Union (Russia) to devise their nuclear weapons and so originated the rat race of arms production. Since all continent were laced with advanced weapons, nobody dared to enter in wars owing to the dread of monumental losses it could activate to both the parties. The era between 1950 - 2000 witnessed several main wars and wars that have invariably been related to the possible precursor to World War three, but fortunately, they never assumed the role of activating the World War III. Some of these incidents included the Operation Unthinkable in 1945 (by the British forces), Suez emergency in 1956 (between Soviet Union & Britain), Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the occurrence of bogus shocks in 1983, which historians think had the skill to activate a plug call for the World War 3. Call it a sheer fate of society or learned decisions via the policy makers and military generals that these incidents did not lead to another World War disaster. So how has the scenario turned now? Is World War possible in today's era? Let's know more approximate the same.

A Turbulent Decade (2000 - 2010)

Let's concentrate on the political conditions that has prevailed in the world in the final twenty years. In the final twenty years or so, the emergency in the Middle Eastern continent has deepened to deadly levels. The western super energies, namely the US, UK, prior Soviet Union and France began taking profound hobby in the Arab world or the Middle East since a minority decades back. The Middle East that had worldly volatility due to priestly wars prior to innovation of oil, was searched to be in composure via the western energies due to the oil that mattered to the economy of the western countries. In the final few decades, oil has been the determiner of mainstream Middle East geopolitics. It has been the main activate of unrest in the Arab continent and it is perhaps perceived to be one of the main purposes why global politics is all emphasised on oil energy. Is World War possible due to the conditions that have prevailed in the final decades in Middle East countries? Let ourselves have a appearance at several perspectives on possible purposes for the following World War.

Possible Causes of World War 3

The world has perceived enormous translations in the final decade. Asian continent have developed as main players in the global economy. It is no more approximate USA, Britain or Russia, it is approximate every country. Japan recovered from the catastrophic US assails decades ago and it has devised itself into one of the finest continent in the world; in terms of every measurable human growth index. Similarly, China and India have developed as the global financial houses. The world has witnessed growth, prosperity and development. But with boosting population, depleting energy resources and the threat of terrorism, all countries are concerned approximate maintaining exists of their citizens. Following objects are the maximum anxieties for causing unrest amongst a figure of countries all across the globe. These are the purposes that have the prospective to activate World War 3.

#1: Terrorist Organizations Vs. the World Alliance

It all accrued grave momentum as shortly as in the year 2001, the US earth was traumatized via the harshest ever terrorist assails in US history on the twin towers of the World Trade Center that stood as a symbol of American dreams and prosperity. What chased subsequent was a chaotic decade of assails and a figure of operations to punish the notorious terrorist organizations namely, the Al-Qaeda and its president Osama Bin Laden. Barely a year or pair afterwards the 9/11 assails in US, there were assails on Iraq beneath the leadership of the thereafter President George W. Bush Jr. whoever gave orders for Iraq invasion. The real motive behind Iraq invasion motionless waits a subject of debate amongst historians; however, as per President Bush, he aimed to capture the chemical and nuclear weapons that the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, would have otherwise smuggled to the Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, for assails on the powerful USA.

While there was not much evidence regarding the presence of chemical weapons in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was murdered via the US assails and the US searched more composure across the oil wealthy territories in Iraq. Similarly, the assail on Afghanistan or 'War in Afghanistan', labeled as 'Operation Enduring Freedom' was launched via George Bush Jr. in October 2001 to get rid of the presence of terrorist outfits like the Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan, which was conceived to be their main operating center. The assails in Afghanistan proved to be a great setback for terrorist organizations.

Surprisingly, hope of a superior rural dawned in Afghanistan as shortly as it witnessed its first ever democratic elections in 2004 and Hamid Karzai was sworn in as the President of the country. With the dawn of democracy, it is hoped that Afghanistan shall one day become a full-fledged gleaming economy in the world. Groups and persons whoever resisted the American assails on Afghanistan cite it to be another gauge to gain superior composure across the oil wealthy countries in the interior Asia. These pair wars not merely coerced Osama Bin Laden into concealing, it also caused grave blows to the terrorist outfits all across the globe. Finally, in the recent events, Osama Bin fraught was murdered in Pakistan afterwards a decade of conceal and search from the American intelligence agencies. The mortality of Osama is mentioned to be the maximum success of the US forces. Retaliation from terrorist organizations is expected and all countries are on alarm to safeguard their civilians from any sort of assails via terrorists. So is the following World War headed to be between the alliance of a figure of terrorists organizations and the world nations? There is no refusing to the observation that terrorists are becoming potent due to approached exert of engineering and weapons. Similarly, the threats of bio-terrorism are also the main consideration for policy makers. If the world unites to brawl against terrorism chief on, it is constantly headed to be the combat of pair unlike ideologies, one of the growth and the other of loath, violence and priestly extremism.

#2. China Vs. India: The Water Battle

The pair super energies of Asia and possibly of the world, with main membership in the UN, have a profound burden to solve for their future generations. China with its massive population is facing threats of water dearth and food emergency in North China. The final pair decades of stupendous growth in this rural has prepared it a global energy dwelling but at the price of monumental depletion in its natural resources. China's policies regarding diversion of water from majority of the rivers arising in Tibet may have catastrophic affects on its neighboring countries. It can affect one-fifth of the world's population staying in Asian countries. Indian PM Manmohan Singh has time and again reared anxieties of water challenge during his visits to Beijing since 2008; however, it doesn't feel to have any impression on the Chinese PM. Most of the rivers be it the Indus, Brahmaputra, Mahakali, Gandaki, and Kosi, all arise in Tibet, paying China the geographical benefit of utilizing the waters to prevent the impending water crisis.

Barring China, India has water treatise with other neighboring countries. The diluted stance of New Delhi across the water challenge has further bolstered the mega dam ventures in China alongside Brahmaputra river. It is said that the South-to-North Water Diversion Project of China is very ambitious in its planning and shall be ended via 2050. So what whether China and India don't come upward with a possible solution for this dispute? For both these continent, water is crucial for their survival. Both shall resort to UN and global vote for support. The UN shall be in a great rectify whether it reaches selecting either of the main world powers. Both continent can't even think of storming a war as both are nuclear energies and any catastrophic stair would lead to several heavy losses of men and material. But in shell, no negotiations are arrived, won't China assail India? And there shall be no end of allies in this war. The drying dragon shall have a great figure of main energies emanating to its rescue, chief being the US. The water politics in the South Asian region can activate a World War, moderately possibly.

#3. Global Population Explosion: The Food Battle

It has been time and again guessed that via the year 2050, the world population shall boost to an length that it shall lead to hunger and acute food dearth in a lot branches of the world. Owing to weather adjustments and enormous population explosion, there shall be dearth of water and world food supply. While the devised continent shall brawl tooth and nail to ensure their food shops are poised for emergencies, the third world continent may face civil wars and violence due to food shortage. In the above paragraphs, we have already negotiated that water challenge may sour the future relationship of China and India. Besides these pair continent, water emergency can prove to be the nemesis for chasing continent also - Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Mexico, and Pakistan. Most of these continent import a great chip of their food grains from world market. Increasing prices and extreme energy emergency shall further lead to decrease in food supply. So the tall doubt that shall stem is: How to feed the population that exists on the planet? Owing to high food prices and shortage of water in the decades to come, the doubt shall be approximate survival. And as shortly as it reaches survival, history has been a witness that survival has never been achieved without violence and treachery. The darkest and harshest shell scenario shall be that countries shall model allies to loot and plunder food from other countries. The massive difference between request and provide of global food in the emanating decades can be the largest purpose for another World War.

#4. Hunger for Energy: The Arctic Ocean War

We have depleted everything that came in our way and now we won't retire the main origins of ecology. Officially North Pole, enclosed via the powerful Arctic Ocean is not possessed via any rural as per the global law. But the realpolitiks illustrates ourselves unlike pictures. Countries neighboring the North Pole that include Russia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, and the United States are merely permitted to have access to several limited field in the North Pole. Surveys and researches have deployed the observation that the Arctic Ocean has 25% of the world's undiscovered oil and energy resources. Moreover, the melting of Arctic ice has caused a global competition amongst the territorial continent to assert a sure chip of the North Pole. It is frightening to letter that melting of glaciers in Arctic can activate the drastic boom in ocean floors all across the globe spearheading to end of a figure of coastal cities. Moreover, whether continent begin aggressively mining and drilling in Arctic Ocean, it needn't be stated that the world shall chief towards its doom. But to encounter the mandates of energy, continent like Russia, Canada, US, UK and Norway are retiring no stone unturned to ensure that they're able to obtain the maximum lump of the North Pole. So the deadly quieten of -50 grade Celsius Arctic region shall end with noises from mega machines and oil drillers poised to locate the fortune in this ecology wonder. Arctic region has become the following hunt for the geologists. International challenge for composure across North Pole can for sure lead to a tragic combat for this item of land which is strategically significant for all the territorial continent enclosing it.

These are just several of the arbitrary yet important purposes that may activate World War three, but it doesn't average that World War three (if fought) shall be merely due to the above reasons. There can be altogether fresh wars amongst countries that we may not be even remotely aware of. After reading these factors, you must have been able to interpret that the emanating decades shall pose extreme contests Asus A2000d Keyboard,Asus A2000g Keyboard, Asus Laptop Keyboard,for humanity. It is a wonderful time to be born in this era as shortly as there is so much growth, prosperity and opportunities to exist a superior life. But at the same time, it is a term in society, as shortly as blindness and ignorance for nature shall prove to be the doom for us. It is in the hand of policy makers all across the globe to have a vision for future so that the impending contests are best handled with peaceful confers and negotiations. World War three is constantly possible but it is our duty to learn from the past wars and attempt to go against any model of violence. After all, we must remember what Einstein has said to ourselves, "I know not with what weapons World War III shall be brawled, but World War IV shall be brawled with sticks and stones". Let's say no to tragic wars. Let's produce the world a superior position to exist in!

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