In today's world if you are an IT professional so you are bound to have certain certification to increase your value in the IT industry. So today I am going to review an uCertify Certification course for Java (O1Z0-851).
Before we proceed lets have an idea about uCertify. uCertify is one of the best in providing certifications of different languages, software ranging from Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco etc. It gives materials which has an in-depth information of the topics that are there, and these training materials are called 'prepKits'.
O1Z0-851 Oracle Certified Java Programmer :
The above is the exam that I have enrolled myself so that i can provide an in-depth information to you all. As you enroll yourself for the certification you get a preparation material which is known as PrepKit.
The PrepKit is a software which is very easily navigable from the home window and it states everything in there very clearly.
The features of uCertify course material are :
Simple, intuitive, user-friendly interface
One click dashboard makes it easy to find what you need
Guided learning steps you through the process of learning and test preparation, including crucial information about the exam format and test preparation tips.
Reference Notes and Study Guides organized according to the actual test objectives
Numerous study aids, including study notes, flash cards, pop quizzes and more
Useful Technical Articles section contains information written by industry experts and How To's that help for easy look up to specific questions
Exhaustive practice questions and tests, starting with Diagnostic tests to determine your initial level
Learning and test modes
Customize your tests - decide how many questions, combine one or more topics of your choice, quiz yourself on a study note, increase the level of difficulty based on your performance at any point in time, even create a test based on the amount of time you have to take a test!
Feedback and assessment when you need it, including Gap Analysis that clearly indicate your areas of strength and weakness
Full length Final Practice test that closely simulates those on the certification exam to gauge your preparation level for the actual exam
This Java prepkit contains topics ranging from :
Declarations, Initialization and Scoping
Flow Control
API Contents
OO Concepts
Collections / Generics
In the prepKit each and every topic is taught well along with the help of examples so that we get a clear view about what we are studying. Along with the preparation material which has 70-90 slides, it also has 9 Practice tests, 1 Adaptive Test, 1 Interactive Quiz (223 Question), 1 Diagnostic test (15 questions) and many more.
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Farhan Khwaja is a young Entrepreneur and professional blogger from Mumbai, India. He writes about programming languages, programming tutorials, tips and tricks and also writes about topics of Computer Science on Code 2 Learn(
Code 2 Learn primarily focuses on Computer Sciecne, Programming Tips and tricks, Tutorials etc.