Saturday, 19 November 2011

Oracle 1Z0-858 exam questions download

The 1Z0-858 exam is one of the Oracle Certification. So pass the 1Z0-858 exam is the first step to get a Oracle certification. 1Z0-858 exam become more and more hot. So many people start joining the 1Z0-858 exam.

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Ourexam is configured to deliver to you the best quality 1Z0-858 simulations in a virtual 1Z0-858 braindumps that will take you step by step and prepare you like no other for your test we offer our guarantee that our Oracle Certification 1Z0-858 study guide will assure your success with actual 1Z0-858 answers.

Each Ourexam Oracle 1Z0-858 test includes a 1Z0-858 pdf version and an equally powerful Oracle Certification 1Z0-858 testing engine that powers our simulator. Control the training process by customizing your 1Z0-858 practice certification questions and answers. This testing engine will simulate the actual testing environment and allow you to select what areas of the exam you want to focus on.

This is the time of recession and it is not an easy job to maintain positive attitude but after getting success in this exam you will be able to stable your position. This is possible if you are well prepared for 1Z0-858 exam questions and answers in the form of eBooks or self test software to get proper knowledge and much needed skills to pass Oracle Certification 1Z0-858. Our Practice Questions and Answers are an objective type study material that provides you basic and essential knowledge for passing IT certifications without wasting your precious time as well as money.

1.To take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers that use web standards, such as XHTML and
CSS, your web application is being converted from simple JSP pages to JSP Document format. However,
one of your JSPs, /scripts/screenFunctions.jsp, generates a JavaScript file. This file is included in several
web forms to create screen-specific validation functions and are included in these pages with the
following statement:
Which JSP code snippet declares that this JSP Document is a JavaScript file?
A. <%@ page contentType='application/javascript' %>
E. No declaration is needed because the web form XHTML page already declares the MIME type of the
/scripts/screenFunctions.jsp file in the tag.
Answer: D
2.Given the JSP code:
13. Hello, ${customer.title} ${customer.lastName}, welcome
14. to Squeaky Beans, Inc.
Which three types of JSP code are used.? (Choose three.)
A. Java code
B. template text
C. scripting code
D. standard action
E. expression language
Answer: B,D,E

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